About GridJungle
It seemed to us and to so many of our friends and business associates, that for the most part, all photo sites were pretty much the same, with a couple of exceptions. We love Instagram and Pinterest. They're different and very cool, but very specialized.
We set out to create something different that takes things to the next level. Not only would it be something that would safely store and display photos like so many others, but would also allow both business and personal users to display, share and utilize photos or images in a fresh, flexible and unique way.
Welcome to GridJungle, where it's all about the grids! Now we could go on and on about all the great stuff you can do like universal and community uploading, voting, contests, sharing, different looks, etc., but we think the best way for you to learn is to experience. So, you can cruise around our homepage and see most of the features in action on live grids or you can go for a test drive and
or two for yourself or your business. It's simple and they're free!
So go have some fun and please drop me a line and let me know what you think. We also love suggestions!
Dan Hoffman
Chief Monkey in the Jungle